Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Scholastic Story Starters in the Classroom

Scholastic Story Starters can be used in a variety of ways that will engage students in writing.  Every morning my third graders have a writing prompt and this would be the perfect tool for them to use instead of looking at the board and writing in their notebook.  It would also be a helpful tool for the teachers because at times we need creative ideas that they can write about. 

Here are some ways to use it in the classroom:
- Morning work
- Model or introduce a writing form (letter, postcard, paragraph, etc.)
- Writing topics
- Classroom job
- Incentives for students

This tool can be used in a telecollabortive setting by having students select a writing prompt and write about their topic the night before and turn it in online.


  1. Morning work was my first thought, too, when I read your first post about story-starters. My students have journal writing and they grumble about it part way through the year. This tool would might help change things up a bit for them. Also, what did you mean by a classroom job, as an idea?

  2. I know my third graders would do anything to click the button to spin the wheel. That's how I was thinking you could use it as an incentive or just make it a job to spin the wheel in the morning.
